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Hi and welcome!

This is the website I set up when I was a postdoc to present my research and a bit about myself.  I got lazy and never updated it though, and as of September 2024 I have started a position that doesn’t lend itself to public updates. I keep this site online for now, and will eventually update it with more details about my previous research. Depending on how things go in the future, this might later evolve to become a blog, or something similar.

From 2020 until 2024 I was a postdoc in Paris, working with Francis Corson at the Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole normale supérieure and Jérôme Gros at Institut Pasteur on the mechanics of self-organisation in avian embryos, as well as independently on a number of projects in biological and geophysical fluid mechanics.

Before I moved to Paris I studied for a PhD under the supervision of Eric Lauga at the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics at the University of Cambridge. The topic of my dissertation was the locomotion, navigation, and control of different biological and artificial microswimmers. Before that I studied pure and applied mathematics, with a focus on fluid dynamics and theoretical physics, also at Trinity College Cambridge.

I am interested in various areas of theoretical biophysics, different (mostly low-Reynolds number) flavours and applications of fluid dynamics, as well as soft condensed matter and geophysics. Check out my research pages for more details, and don’t hesitate to send me an email if you would discuss my work or yours. 🙂


  • 08/202409/2021


    Institut Pasteur, Paris, France

  • 08/202409/2020


    Laboratoire de Physique de l'École normale supérieure, Paris, France

  • 09/201606/2016

    Visiting Researcher

    Biological Flow Studies Laboratory, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan

  • 09/201506/2015

    Summer Research Intern

    Bermuda Institute of Ocean Sciences, St George's, Bermuda

Education & Training

Academic Service

It has been my pleasure to referee my colleagues’ work for the following journals:

  • Nature Communications
  • Physical Review Letters
  • Physical Review Fluids
  • Physical Review E
  • Meccanica
  • European Biophysics Journal

Page last updated on Monday 16 July 2024.