As far as I know, my surname is unique. It is pronounced /ʃaˈmɔlli/ (shah-MOLL-leigh if you’re English, Schamolli if you’re German, and Chamolly if you are French). I will not be bothered if you get it wrong, but probably entertained. My favourite so far has been a friend who suspected Middle-Eastern origins and pronounced cha- as k-, which in my mind would make me a hot contender for the next Iranian Ayatollah if selection were based on catchy names alone.
In fact, I do not know much about its origins. Around 1850 an ancestor of mine moved from East Prussia to Arnsberg in Westphalia, where the family stayed until I ran away. The family legend is that said ancestor had to take up a new name and made up something on the spot that sounded French because it was fashionable at the time. I have no evidence for this theory but since I can perfectly imagine myself doing something like this, I give it the benefit of doubt.